Friday, November 24, 2006


It has happened to all of us. We're sitting somewhere, doing something, and we get annoyed. Maybe your cell phone rings and you can't get it out of your pocket in time to answer it, and you're frustrated that as someone's leaving you a voicemail, you can't interrupt that process and say "I'm here, I'm here!" Or, perhaps you're in front of your computer and you want to find that link that Jeff sent you in an instant message, but there's no way for you to search that way in your web browser's history. Whatever the case, something didn't work. The world wasn't built your way.

This happens to me all the time.

This blog is here to represent what the world would look like if I could have things my way all the time. I don't pretend that things I'd design the first time around would work perfectly for everyone, and encourage people to tell me (in the comments section) how they'd want things to work their way as well. But let's start that discussion.

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